The use of the website “”, hereinafter “”, is subject to the acceptance of the terms and conditions established as follows. Anyone who does not agree with the “Terms of Use” set out below is not authorized to consult and use its services.


A) General terms of service
B) Copyright
C) Waiver
D) Privacy

A) General terms of service

1) Ownership of the website

The website ( is ownewd and operated by the Association, Avviso Pubblico, Via Giovanni Giolitti 341, 00185 Roma (RM), Italy.

2) Use of the website

The website is intended for personal use. It cannot be modified, reproduced, duplicated, copied, distributed, sold, resold or exploited in any other way for commercial purposes. Under no circumstance may the website be used for illegal purposes or for any purposes forbidden by the law.

3) Contents of the website

The contents of the website have information purposes only. Under no circumstance do they have commercial or promotional purposes.

The website consists of web pages, containing text, graphics, images, tables, amps, videos and other services. The contents of the web pages in are intended to:

– promote the activities of the Association, Avviso Pubblico;
– offer contents of an informational character concerning the matters of legality and transparency in the Public Administration, of the fight against organised crime and corruption, of the respect for the rules, of justice;
– recommend publications, articles, documents and external websites related to the aforementioned matters;
– diffuse information about Avviso Pubblico’s activity in raising public awareness of the matters of legality and transparency.

The contents of the website are composed on the basis of information of multiple origin:

– information directly provided by Avviso Pubblico;
– information collected directly and personally by the authors or by members of the editorial staff;
– information provided to the editorial staff by schools, Universities, public authorities, press departments, publishing houses and the press.

All information is collected by the editorial staff of, elaborated and reported as accurately and exactly as possible. The editorial staff of is committed to updating them constantly and promptly.

4) “Connections” (or “links”) to external websites

The website contains “connections” (or “links”) to external websites, not owned nor operated by the Association, Avviso Pubblico, or by the editorial staff of Such links are provided for the following purposes:

– verification of the information published on;
– further details on the information published on;
– examples and/or references of the information published on;
– extensions of the services offered by

The editorial staff of is committed to avoiding, as far as possible, “connections” (or “links”) to external websites with the following characteristics:

– presence of unreliable contents;
– presence of contents deemed as illegal under the laws of the Italian Republic;
– presence of indecent and/or pornographic contents;
– presence of violent or offensive or defamatory contents;
– offer of insufficiently qualified services.

To this end, before including on the website a “connection” (or “link”) to an external website, the editorial staff of examines the contents and/or services of the website. Such examination is only performed at the moment of the inclusion of the link and to a limited extent.

In this regard, please note the following:

– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, do not have any participation in the external websites linked by;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, do not have any influence over the external websites linked by;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, do not have the possibility to check every section, contents and service featured in the external websites linked by;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, do not have the possibility to check every change or update that happen over time in the external websites linked by

For all these reasons, the Association, Avviso Pubblico, states that:

– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, have no responsibility over the external websites linked by or the contents thereof;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, have no responsibility over the quality of the products and services offered by the external websites linked by;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, distance themselves firmly and officially from any external websites, connected to by means of “connections” (or “links”), and from any illegal and/or harmful contents, or contents that may offend the sensibilities of the visitors, featured in such websites;
– The Association, Avviso Pubblico, and the editorial staff of, accept no responsibility for any illegal, offensive, and/or discriminating contents featured in any external websites, connected to by means of “connections” (or “links”).

B) Copyright

1) Contents

The contents of the website, such as text, logos, buttons, icons, maps, are the property of the Association Avviso Pubblico or of its content providers and are protected by international copyright law. The compilation (meaning the collection, design, assembly and creation of the web pages) of all contents of the website is the exclusive property of the Association Avviso Pubblico and is protected by international copyright law. Any use of the contents of this website, including replication, modification, or transmission, or visualization, is prohibited without the authorisation of the Association Avviso Pubblico.

The Association Avviso Pubblico cannot release information, authorisations or licenses for third-party images or documents reproduced on the website

2) Software

All software used in the website is the property of the Association Avviso Pubblico or of its software providers and is protected by international copyright law.

C) Waiver

The website is provided by the Association Avviso Pubblico “as is”, and as such it may include inaccuracies or typographical errors. The Association Avviso Pubblico makes no assertion nor provide any warranty, either explicit or implicit, as to the operation of the website or the information, contents, software, materials or products included therein. As far as permitted by the relevant law, the Association Avviso Pubblico refuses any warranty, either explicit or implicit, including implicit warranties of marketability and suitability for a particular purpose. The Association Avviso Pubblico cannot be held liable for the damages of any kind resulting from the use of the website, including direct, indirect, accidental or consequential damages.

These Terms of Service are governed by the law of the Italian Republic. The Association Avviso Pubblico reserves the full right to make changes to the website and to these Terms of service at any time. In case these Terms of Service are changed, the change will be preceded by a notice in the “News” section of the website In case fo changes that have an impact over services for which explicit consent has been required and the insertion of some personal data, the impacted users shall be notified by electronic mail, to allow them, if they so wish, to exercise their right to withdraw and require the deletion of their data. For any controversy or dispute, the seat of jurisdiction is the Court of Turin, Italy.

D) Privacy is a website published by the Association Avviso Pubblico.
All information concerning privacy is available in our privacy policy and cookie policy.